Monday, June 14, 2010

Kumi Naidoo - Letter for you

Lets all send this letter across to all our fellow friends & not forgetting to GREENPEACE!!!

Many negative allegations posted by Western NGOs (Greenpeace/ Friends of The Earth) towards Palm Oil, I came across this interesting piece from entitled "Palm Oil: An Open Letter to Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director of Greenpeace International".
How does Kumi Naidoo judge the unfairly attacks undertaken by GREENPEACE towards Palm Oil the crop that feeds the world and eradicates poverty in most developing countries?

Highlights from the letter:
1) Kumi Naidoo - at the age of 15 African born became an activist, leading student demo towards eliminating 'Apartheid' (social and political policy of racial segregation and discrimination enforced by white minority governments in South Africa from 1948 to 1994)
Kumi has always been passionate about human rights, poverty eradication and gender equality, he even proved them with hunger strike.

Now being the Executive Director of GREENPEACE Int, Kumi is faced with and will have to grapple with mass volume of baseless attacks by this NGO.

Greenpeace has been an NGO always attacking on Palm Oil, from killing orang utan, destroying forest, using bigger land space and leading to global warming and etc. Nevertheless in this letter, the writer has lay-out various factual data to defend palm oil. In addition, expressing his views towards Kumi.

Writer questioned Kumi, if we were to take Kumi's past conduct, an active activist elivating poverty, human rights and etc. How would he now act when Greenpeace an NGO he is attached with from an environmental group, has morphed into a shameless lobby with a twisted extremism!

Full letter:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

EU MPs positive on palm oil! Great News!

I wish all these positive messages on Malaysian Palm Oil will be spread to everyone! I am impressed to have seen a few articles in our local newspapers some 2 weeks ago. A group of EU MPs visited Malaysia to understand better about palm oil. Before you read the whole article, let me highlight what some of them have quoted.

Danish MP Dan Jorgensen, who is vice-chairman of the Environment Committee and member of the Group of Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament said: “As a whole, I think, it has helped take people out of poverty, which is a very positive thing.”“From the sustainability point of view, palm oil has great potential compared with other oils,” he added.

Christensen noted that in western Europe, there was perception that palm oil is a bad thing because rainforests are being destroyed to make way for plantations.“That’s what many people believe. So, we are gratified to get assurances here that Malaysia has strict laws to ensure no more forests are destroyed,” he said. He also said it was a challenge to get this point of view across to the Western audience.

At some point of time when I read those articles, I am glad these MPs would be able to spread the positive attributes of palm oil to the westerners, nevertheless how often does Malaysia has to keep inviting and educating them in order to receive good remarks on our commodity. We do not do the same to condemn any of their commodities over there? Do we?

Here is the link: