Sunday, June 13, 2010

EU MPs positive on palm oil! Great News!

Posted on Sunday, June 13, 2010 by meirizka

I wish all these positive messages on Malaysian Palm Oil will be spread to everyone! I am impressed to have seen a few articles in our local newspapers some 2 weeks ago. A group of EU MPs visited Malaysia to understand better about palm oil. Before you read the whole article, let me highlight what some of them have quoted.

Danish MP Dan Jorgensen, who is vice-chairman of the Environment Committee and member of the Group of Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament said: “As a whole, I think, it has helped take people out of poverty, which is a very positive thing.”“From the sustainability point of view, palm oil has great potential compared with other oils,” he added.

Christensen noted that in western Europe, there was perception that palm oil is a bad thing because rainforests are being destroyed to make way for plantations.“That’s what many people believe. So, we are gratified to get assurances here that Malaysia has strict laws to ensure no more forests are destroyed,” he said. He also said it was a challenge to get this point of view across to the Western audience.

At some point of time when I read those articles, I am glad these MPs would be able to spread the positive attributes of palm oil to the westerners, nevertheless how often does Malaysia has to keep inviting and educating them in order to receive good remarks on our commodity. We do not do the same to condemn any of their commodities over there? Do we?

Here is the link:

1 Response to "EU MPs positive on palm oil! Great News!"

Moose Says....

Educating the MPs is a good start but it must not end there. More efforts must be undertaken at the consumers or grass root level b'cos this is where most of the misconception abt palm oil is taking shape. At the same time, the MPs must also play their role in getting this important message across to their constituents. And if need be, they must interact with the anti palm oil NGOs to understand their concerns and agendas. Ultimately, for the palm oil industry, our objective is for the truth to prevail.